Our Supporters

Sponsor Packages

Title - $5,000.00

Recognition on all print material,
Recognition at podium and opportunity to address group
Recogition on TUF Website.
Large Signage at registration
Large Signage during post golf reception.
Includes 1 foursome

Sold Out

Golf Cart - $3,500.00

Company name on all power carts
Recognition in program
Recogition at podium
Includes 2 golfers

Sold Out

Eagle - $2,500.00

Recognition in golf program
Recogition at podium
Medium size signage at registration area
Includes 2 golfers


Lunch - $2,500.00

Regnotion in program
Recogition at podium
Medium size signage at BBQ area
Includes 2 golfers

Sold Out

Beverage on the course - $1,750.00

Recognition in program
Includes one adult beverage per player. Beverage tickets will be branded with Sponsor name/logo
Includes one golfer


Wine during dinner - $2,500.00

Recognition in program
Recognition at podium
Sponsor cards at each table
Includes 2 golfers

Sold Out

Hole sponsorship level 1 - $250.00

Must provide a contest/prize with a minimum value of $ 750.00
Recogition in program
Medium size Signage at designated hole


Putting Green - $400.00

Host a contest at the putting green


Hole sponsorship level 2 - $250.00

Signage one a hole


Custom Sponsorship - $0.00

Call us to plan your curstom sponsorship
